Dimmed panel icon if no bookmark is set

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Dimmed panel icon if no bookmark is set

Post by pjj »

In the help file you wrote:
It is also possible to use numbered bookmarks, which can be easier to navigate if you remember where you put them.
This is sadly very true; even worse is that I don't always remember if I put them -- hence this request. I have added to the right side of my editor self-closing Bookmark panel, that opens on a click; would it be feasible to dim the icon if there are no bookmarks set?

...In the Editor toolbar there is also Goto Bookmark icon, that opens a menu with shortcut to numbered bookmarks; nonexistent bookmarks could be then dimmed, too.
Alium tibi quaere fratrem; hic, quem tuum putas, meus est. Titus Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus
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