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How to terminate a script with a keyboard?

Posted: 27 Mar 2012 20:42
by pjj
Is there a way to break a script in the mid-run? I for one haven't run in a situation that would require this ;) but I can easily imagine such a scenario... Then what? Is there any other way than to kill RJ TE? If not, would it be possible to add such a feature?

Re: How to terminate a script with a keyboard?

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 17:46
by pjj

I just run into one of these cases, hiding the main form :roll: so no way to close the app window other then killing RJ TE :roll: So, is it possible?

Re: How to terminate a script with a keyboard?

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 14:50
by pjj
And no, "Exit Script (Shift+Esc)" doesn't work for me.

Here's a somewhat contrived sample of situation when you'd need it:

Code: Select all

function hideForm()
//  d.ModalResult = mrOk;

d = new TForm(nil);
d.Caption = "Prepare to kill RJ TE";
d.BorderStyle = bsDialog;
d.Position = poScreenCenter;
d.Width = 165;
d.Height = 65;

// OK button
ok = new TButton(d);
ok.Parent = d;
ok.SetBounds(30, 5, 100, 25);
ok.Caption = "Go for it!";
ok.OnClick = &hideForm;

// show the main dialog
It could be a long/infinite loop as well, when you'd want "Exit Script" to work.

Re: How to terminate a script with a keyboard?

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 16:39
by pjj

Any chance you look into it someday soon? I could really, really use it, you know. Perhaps other people could, too ;)