SOLVED: Assign Ctrl + W to Word Wrap by default

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SOLVED: Assign Ctrl + W to Word Wrap by default

Post by inspector71 »

Very surprised this is not default.

It is default in so many other programs so it is frustrating it is not in this program.
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Re: Assign Ctrl + W to Word Wrap by default

Post by pjj »

And I was very surprised to find out you were right! Indeed, fresh TextEd.kbd located at C:\Program Files\RJ TextEd\InstallData\Data\TextEd.kbd has this line

Code: Select all

indicating no default shortcut. Hence +1.

...On second thought,
Alternatively referred to as Control+W and C-w, Ctrl+W is a keyboard shortcut most often used to close a program, window, tab, or document.
Some users may be accustomed to Ctrl-W closing active document and this may account for not setting this shortcut to WrapAction by default. Hence -1.

+1 -1 = 0. I have thus no opinion what would "proper" course of action be in this case :? I am slightly inclined to vote for making it default for WrapAction, though. Anyway, happy New Year! :P
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Rickard Johansson
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Re: Assign Ctrl + W to Word Wrap by default

Post by Rickard Johansson »

I tested in a few text editors and all of them (NotePad++, Sublime ...) used CTRL+W for closing the active document tab. I think I just leave it and let the user set any shortcut they want...
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Re: Assign Ctrl + W to Word Wrap by default

Post by inspector71 »

Fair enough.

Thanks for considering this topic.
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