Selected text color changed after upgrade

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Selected text color changed after upgrade

Post by rjbill »

This is basically a bug.

I had changed my Selection Text Background Color to White on RED so it was evident and stood out,
and when I upgraded to version 15.49 (?), it "reset" (?) it to a light green background color. (black text)

I made the customization so long ago, now I have to figure out where I changed it and how to do so again.

I don't know if anything else changed. I haven't noticed it if it has.
RJTE version 16.21 (Actual) - 64-bit
Win 10 Pro 64-bit 8 GB RAM Intel Core i7-6700 3.40 GHz SCSI Hard Drive 1 TB

Note: The signature is dynamic, not static,
so it may not show the correct version above
that was in use at the time of the post.
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