In CSS highlighter color values have colored backgrounds; <style> sections in HTML documents get CSS syntax highlighting, but color values has no indicative backgrounds:
SOLVED: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
SOLVED: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
Alium tibi quaere fratrem; hic, quem tuum putas, meus est. Titus Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus
- Rickard Johansson
- Site Admin
- Posts: 6739
- Joined: 19 Jul 2006 14:29
Re: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
Seems to work fine at my end...
Could you post a small example file?
Could you post a small example file?
Re: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
Code: Select all
#test { color: red; font-weight: 600; }
p {
color: #abcabc;
color: red;
.foo {
color: #abcabc;
Alium tibi quaere fratrem; hic, quem tuum putas, meus est. Titus Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus
- Rickard Johansson
- Site Admin
- Posts: 6739
- Joined: 19 Jul 2006 14:29
Re: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
Yes, that is strange...
I copied the code in an empty HTML file and this is what I get:
I copied the code in an empty HTML file and this is what I get:
- Rickard Johansson
- Site Admin
- Posts: 6739
- Joined: 19 Jul 2006 14:29
Re: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
This took me some time to figure out myself In the menu <View->Highlight color values->File types> enable "HTML".
Re: SOLVED: [16.25b3] No colored background for color values in <style> tags
Yeah, that was it! Thank you! (Perhaps these settings should be doubled somewhere in the Options, so they can be more discernible?)
Alium tibi quaere fratrem; hic, quem tuum putas, meus est. Titus Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus