CSVed, free CSV editor

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CSVed, free CSV editor

Post by pjj »

CSVed is an easy and powerful CSV file editor, you can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any separator.
some features:
* edit, add, insert and delete items;
* import;
* change separator;
* add, delete columns;
* rearrange column order;
* save selection of rows and columns;
* save filtered items;
* save with double quotes;
* search and replace;
* filter items;
* remove duplicates;
* append and merge files;
* install and uninstall
* help in English
* add prefix and suffix
* split and join columns
* export to HTML, Excel, Word, XML and more
* proper words and strings
* column search
* column sort and global sort

The listview is running in virtual mode, that means the data is displayed on demand. (not the entire CSV file is loaded in the listview) so CSVed can handle big files and is very fast.
In other words, you can do everything with a CSV file you wanted. CSV is cardware
CSVEd can be downloaded here: http://csved.sjfrancke.nl/

There are two drawbacks, though:
1) CSVed can't handle Unicode; there's uniCSVed, an Unicode compatible CSV editor, however it doesn't have all features of CSVed
2) CSVed saves files with Windows newline format and adds extra line at the end of a file
Alium tibi quaere fratrem; hic, quem tuum putas, meus est. Titus Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus
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