Xmas 2018 Donation

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Xmas 2018 Donation

Post by rjbill »

Only $5. (slim year)

But every penny adds up. I hope others donate, too.

Thanks for making RJ TextEd a great editor.

Merry Xmas, Seasons Greetings, Happy New Year.
RJTE version 16.21 (Beta 3) - 64-bit
Win 10 Pro 64-bit 8 GB RAM Intel Core i7-6700 3.40 GHz SCSI Hard Drive 1 TB

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Re: Xmas 2018 Donation

Post by yereverluvinuncleber »

It is a lovely idea.
"Noli pati a scelestis opprimi"... or is it "non lacessit illegitimae te carborundum"?

You can find me on Deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/yereverluvinuncleber/gallery/
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Re: Xmas 2018 Donation

Post by crtrubshaw »

€20, Merry Christmas Rickard! :-D
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