FIXED: MPAD BUG: Themed main menu black on black

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FIXED: MPAD BUG: Themed main menu black on black

Post by yereverluvinuncleber »

Copied this from the MPAD main thread. Unsure where to post MPAD requests so I have preceded the request with MPAD so it is distinct from any RJTextEd request. If this is now in the wrong place then do please let me know the correct location.


I have set MPad's theme style to "Windows", to closely match the style of Context and other windows as in Win 7 Classic Theme. I am running Windows 7 64 bit.
mpad02.png (77.25 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
All good but MPad's main menu is now black text on a black background.

It does not matter which menu style is selected, the problem remains.

When you hover over them they come to life and are visible as blue background and white text. I imagine that the default themeing is not quite respecting the Windows classic theme configuration.
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Re: FIXED: MPAD BUG: Themed main menu black on black

Post by yereverluvinuncleber »

Tested, fixed. MPad is now my default and goto editor for small, fast edits replacing the Context editor. For all intents and purposes it acts and feels like that older editor. Of course I now have a supported version, MPad.

Will continue to raise any bugs/issues I find here in the BUGS section, the title prefixed with MPAD.
"Noli pati a scelestis opprimi"... or is it "non lacessit illegitimae te carborundum"?

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